Men’s grooming guide | prevent post-shaving irritations|

Have you had your fair share of post-shaving razor burn, irritable skin, nicks and cuts? Follow our Men’s Grooming Guide to fine-tune your shaving routine and prevent post-shaving skin irritations.

Razor burn, bumps, spots, cuts and dry skin are common results from shaving. But they don’t have to be. With a little education, you can protect your face to preventing common post-shaving irritations and concerns.

Skin function

A major function of the skin is to repair itself. So if you cut yourself, the skin should respond by quickly and efficiently healing the wound. However, testosterone can negatively affect wound healing and the skin barrier function. Male sex hormones, collectively known as androgens, reduce the ability of the skin to heal wounds. This is of course a major concern for men, especially older men who shave regularly and frequently cut or nick themselves. Androgens also increase the thickness and coarseness of facial hair and produce a flatter hair follicle, resulting in curly whiskers. Unfortunately, this provides the perfect platform for razor rash and ingrown hairs. Equally of concern is repeated exposure to:
  •  drying soaps and detergents, and
  • environmental factors on compromised skin, both of which can result in dry, inflamed and irritable skin.
However, you can reduce the effects of razor burn and other post-shaving concerns by following our 7-step shaving guide.

Mens Grooming Guide

1.       Don’t over-shave
Your skin can take only so much shaving. Too much can result in rashes and razor burn. Daily shaving constantly exposes skin to abrasions and micro-wounds that disrupt the skin’s barrier function. So, take the weekend off shaving and let your skin breathe and give it time to regenerate.
2.       Face scrub
Before shaving, prep your skin with a face scrub. An exfoliating wash will cleanse the face of dead skin for a smoother, more even shave. Fountain Cosmetics advanced triple-action Face Scrub contains lactic acid, malic acid, advanced enzymes and jojoba florabeads to repair the surface of the skin leaving it smooth and nourished – and razor-ready!
3.       Shaving cream
Use a good quality shaving product that contains moisturising lubricants to help your razor glide over facial contours. For a luxurious shaving experience, Fountain Cosmetics has a range of products including a gel, cream, foam, and oil that ensure your skin is nourished, leaving it feeling clean, moisturised and protected.
4.       Toss that old razor
If your razor blade is tugging at your hairs, it’s well and truly time to toss it. A blunt blade can cause cuts, razor burns, ingrown hairs, redness and irritation. So change your blade or razor regularly, and don’t forget to wash it and cover it after use to avoid the spread of bacteria.
5.       Refine your shaving technique
Shaving in the direction your hair grows will give you the best results - and fewer irritations. Press the blade lightly against your skin and use short, swift movements, cleaning the blade after every stroke.
6.       Splash your face with cold water
After shaving, splash your face with cold water to remove any remaining shaving foam and pat dry with a towel. If you don’t rinse with cold water, your skin will become dehydrated, resulting in dull, flaky skin and premature ageing. Another advantage to the cold water rinse is it helps close pores that opened when you shaved.
7.       Nourish, soothe and protect
Shaving can increase skin sensitivity and weakened the skin’s barrier function, leaving it less equipped to deal with pollution and environmental aggressors. An aftershave product can reduce stinging and inflammation caused by the razor (as long as it doesn’t contain alcohol), as well as moisturising, soothing and revitalising your skin. Give your skin a few minutes to recover before applying an aftershave product, such as Fountain Magnetic: After Shave Balm. Containing advanced super-moisture complex, it cools and conditions the skin, reverses the effects of razor burn and relieves it from sensitivity, leaving your face feeling smooth, soft and refreshed. Now you’re ready to face the world!