The key to Anti Ageing | The solution is simpler than you think!

The age old question is, where to find the fountain of youth. While we can’t stop the natural ageing process, we can prevent premature ageing with a few simple steps.

  • Quit smoking, if you're a smoker,
  • And protect yourself from the sun's harmful UV rays

Reasons to quit lighting up

No one disagrees that smoking is harmful to your health. But did you know that it also speeds up the normal ageing process of your skin? The longer you smoke, the more your skin will age. Although early skin damage from smoking can be difficult to detect, don’t delude yourself, the destruction has started! The reason tobacco causes skin aging is threefold.
  1. Nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow in the outermost layers of the skin, impairing blood flow. Less blood flow equates to a deficit in oxygen and important nutrients.
  2. There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. These chemicals damage collagen and elastin resulting in skin that sags and wrinkles sooner than the natural ageing process.
  3. Facial expressions while smoking — think pursed lips, squinting eyes — contribute to deep expression lines.
While wrinkles are not reversible, you can prevent wrinkles from getting worse or more from appearing by quitting smoking.

Reasons for sun protection

According to the Cancer Council, Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Many people die each year from an almost preventable disease. Fortunately, being sun smart is a simple and effective way to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer, as well as premature skin ageing. Just a few minutes of exposure to UV each day can cause noticeable photoageing of the skin. This includes freckles, age spots, facial spider veins, rough leathery skin, wrinkles, saggy skin, a blotchy complexion and actinic keratoses (thick wart-like patches of skin). You can’t see or feel UV radiation. It can be extremely high, even on overcast days, without knowing it. To stay UV savvy, check the UV rating on your weather app, stay out of the sun during the hottest times of the day, and apply good sun protection all year round. Download the free Cancer Council SunSmart app for daily UV alerts.

Indoor tanning is NO solution

Research has also linked indoor tanning salons and lamps to premature skin ageing and skin cancer. According to, people who use a tanning bed before they turn 35 are at increased risk of melanoma by 75 per cent. “Worldwide, there are more skin cancer cases due to indoor tanning than there are lung cancer cases due to smoking.”

5 step sun protection plan

Slip, slop, slap, seek, slide.
  • Slip on a shirt, preferably long sleeved
  • Slop on sunscreen with a broad spectrum SPF rating at least 20 minutes before heading outdoors. Reapply approximately every two hours or after swimming or sweating profusely
  • Slap on a wide-brimmed hat
  • Seek shade
  • Slide on sunglasses

The safe way to a great tan

Self-tanning lotions are the safest way to a sun-kissed glow and saving your skin from ageing. However some tanning products on the market may leave you with less than desirable results. That's where Fountain comes in. Our non-streaking, tanning solutions provide beautiful golden tans to the face and body while nourishing your skin. The Fountain tanning range instantly moisturises and conditions and is suitable for all skin types. Our luxurious formulas contain natural plant-derived ingredients to help brighten and even skin tone while providing a beautiful, long-lasting tan.
  • Tender Face Tan SPF 15 is a face tanning lotion with moderate UV protection and nourishing properties that provides a smooth, even tanning effect.
  • Passion Mousse Tan is a luxurious, light-as-air body tanning lotion that gives you a natural, golden tan without streaking in four hours.
  • Hot Body Tan is a gradual body tanning lotion made from natural ingredients and provides a golden tan after a couple of applications.