Girls night in | pamper party at home

Nothing beats a night in with your besties. But why not change it up a little and try something different? We’re talking a pamper party in the comfort of your own home with a handful of your best girlfriends. Our DIY guide will help you get started.

So you’ve decided to go upmarket/low budget and invite your friends over for a girls night in pamper party at home. Nothing could be simpler then tempting them with the idea of a luxurious spa experience in good company, using highly recommended products that won’t cost the earth! Here's how.

Block out the time on the calendar

Firstly, if you have kids, make sure hubby knows in plenty of time that he’ll be looking after the kids on your pamper night, and if he can take them out, even better. If not, cordon off a section of the house where you and your friends can remain undisturbed and in the moment.

Invite a handful of friends

Four is the perfect number for a girls’ night in pamper party, so invite three friends (and have a few backups in mind in case of cancellations). An even number makes it easy to take it in turn to give and receive the pampering…and won’t overstretch your supplies for soaking bowls and other equipment.

Set the scene

Look through your cupboards for all those pretty candles you’ve bought over the years but never lit and set them up in your relaxation zone. Add a few mood lamps around the room, and a couple of bright reading lights where the activity will take place. Find some relaxing music on Spotify, and fire up the oil burner with your favourite essential oil.

A hot soak

Get in the mood with a hot bath before your guests arrive. Dim the lighting in the bathroom, or set up tea lights or scented candles around the tub. Slather on a luxurious body lotion when you hop out and pop on something loose and comfy afterward. If it’s cold outside, ask everyone to bring their dressing gowns.

Try out new products

Ask each friend to bring along a couple of products they recommend and you can all try. Make sure everyone brings a different type of product. We suggest products such as: a face maskface exfoliantbody scrubmassage oilbody lotionfacial serumfacial oilmoisturisernail and hand cream, nail polish.

Mini facials

Find out what products your friends are bringing and supplement any you may need for a facial, (think cleanser, exfoliant, mask, serum/facial oil, moisturiser - as well as bowls of warm water, sponges and towels. Set up a reclining chair for the “client” and a stool for the “beautician” to sit on. Don’t forget to include the décolletage in the facials.

Body massage

Take it in turns to massage easy-to-reach areas of the body, such as shoulders, back, arms. Be careful of the neck unless you know what you are doing, and make sure your friends aren’t suffering from any aches or pains. Start by pouring a small amount of massage oil in the palm of your hand and rub hands together to warm the oil. Spread over your friend’s skin then, using your thumbs or the heal of your hand, massage in circular motions, checking the pressure is not too strong.

Get hands-on

Everyone loves a manicure and pedicure. Regardless how good or amateur you are at it, don’t worry. No-one is going to say “no” to a hand or foot massage! If you are at a real loss where to start, there are plenty of people willing to show you on YouTube. Finish with a new nail colour and voila! you're pampered!