Stretch Marks: Tips, tricks and how to treat them

Unlike acne or wrinkles, stretch marks can be difficult to treat.

Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched too quickly, creating scarring — usually due to pregnancy, puberty, medical conditions and/or rapid weight gain.

New or recent marks appear as flattened areas of the skin with a pink-red hue. They can be itchy or slightly raised, and can become purple and grow longer in length. This is known as the active stage.

Over time, the marks become flatter and paler. This is when stretch marks are considered established or in the mature stage.

How can I treat stretch marks?

Stretch marks are best treated when they are in the active stage. Treatments focus upon keeping the skin well hydrated to improve the appearance of the marks.

As with many skincare issues, prevention is better than any cure. Use a hydrating body oil and lock in the nourishing moisture with a rich and soothing moisturiser like our Fountain Body Moist. Keeping the skin well hydrated will reduce the appearance of scarring.

Scientific studies have suggested that centella asiatica induces significant prevention of scarring in the active stage. Look for body products rich in centella asiatica and ingredients that reinforce the skin's healthy biome like our Bacillus Body Lotion to treat your skin on a cellular level.

What about stretch marks that have already developed?

Mature stretch marks are difficult to treat with skincare alone. Lasers and surgery are common options for complete removal, but even these more invasive options don't always give 100% satisfaction.

Regular exfoliation is key to reducing the appearance of pale or white scars. Exfoliating with a well-formulated body scrub removes the layers of dead skin will assist other skincare products to work more deeply and efficiently.

Retinol or Vitamin A serums work best on newer, red or purple scars but can also soften and hydrate the skin so paler marks are less noticeable.

Some stretch marks can absorb colour from tinted moisturisers or fake tanning solutions. This varies from person to person, so never go to a spray tanning salon that guarantees that their product will cover your scars! For people whose scars do absorb colour, fake tan can help marks blend into the surrounding skin.